Navigating UK pension transfers to Spain: A strategic approach
Blacktower Financial Management can help transfer a UK pension to Spain for expats by Keith Littlewood, Blacktower Financial Management   The landscape of transferring UK pensions to Spain..


Tax-efficient investing in Spain: A guide to maximising your wealth
Make the most of your investments in Spain with professional advice by Keith Littlewood, Blacktower Financial Management   Investing in Spain offers a unique blend of opportunities and challenges..


Stay on top of your finances in 2024 with Blacktower Financial Management
Sign up today for a range of workshops run by your financial experts on the Costa Cálida Start the new year off on the right foot by getting your finances in order. At Blacktower Financial Management..


Get your finances up to date in 2024: Blacktower Financial Management
If you want to ensure you have a prosperous New Year, then read on By Keith Littlewood, Blacktower International Financial Advisor   Next year, Blacktower will be conducting workshops..


Deadline for expats to secure a full UK state pension extended
Taxpayers now have until 5th April 2025 to fill gaps in their National Insurance record from April 2006 that may increase their State Pension – an extension of nearly 2 years – the government..


The best way to handle your pension when moving abroad, by Blacktower
Everything you need to know about transferring your private pension to QROPs When considering a move abroad, one important financial decision for prospective expatriates is how to handle their..


Blacktower shares 3 steps to turn your cryptocurrency profits into an investment for your future
Many people have already found the benefits of making money with cryptocurrencies, but what should you do with that wealth once you’ve got it? Blacktower answers all your questions… By Keith..


Claiming a UK state pension when retiring to Spain
British citizens can still claim their government pension in Spain and the EU Pension information in Spain can sometimes be confusing for expats. That’s why it helps to have an explainer. Here..


Becoming resident in Spain: what about taxes and finances?
Prior to Brexit, many people were trying get away with not declaring their taxes properly in Spain By Keith Littlewood, Blacktower International Financial Advisor   The Hacienda tax authority..


Getting easy-to-understand financial advice in Spain
Spanish bureaucracy and constantly changing rules can be extremely frustrating, so where can you find straightforward help in plain English? By Keith Littlewood, Blacktower International Financial..


Important considerations to manage the financial Impact when moving to Spain. Blacktower Financial Management
For many years people from the UK have been coming to Spain to live full or part time and in many cases it has been easy to avoid any disruption to the way Finances are managed. Some people have chosen..


10 years in Spain - What has happened Keith Blacktower Agent & Advisor
This year will be my tenth anniversary of coming to live in Spain. Like many expats, over the years I have been impacted by frequent changes that have affected the way we live and the way we deal with..


Spanish residency for expats explained Blacktower Financial Services
Normal (Civil) and fiscal residency is the topic I get the most questions about. It is not my area of expertise, but this is the information you need.  Many people think that they are one and the same..


What products and rates available for Expats to acheive best income on investments.
Best Income for Expats - Update Blacktower Financial Management (International) Limited Here is a brief resume of what is exactly available in the market place for investors and the rates you can expect..