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What is a cookie?
Cookies are files which are downloaded to the user terminal (computer / smartphone / tablet) by accessing certain websites which are stored within its memory. Cookies allow, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or his/her computer, to see what sites are visited, the connection time, to analyse the performance of a site, if there are any technical incidents, etc. Depending on the information contained therein and the way in which the terminal is used, they can be used to recognise the user.
What types of cookies are there?
There are several types of cookies depending on different criteria.
Depending on the title:
Depending on the purpose:
What is a cookie for?
We use cookies to offer you personalised services, analyse the performance of the system, recognise you as a user when you access, locate incidents and problems that may arise and solve them in the shortest period of time, as well as analyse and measure the usage and activity of the website.
Is my consent needed to set a cookie?
Consent for the installation of technical cookies or cookies that are strictly necessary for the provision of a service from the information society specifically requested by the user is not required.
As for the rest, the user's consent is required, and it can be obtained in different ways. In the case of, it will be understood that it has been granted if you continue using the website; notwithstanding the fact that you can at any time withdraw it and disable cookies.
What cookies are currently used by
TECHNICAL COOKIES: These are OWN cookies, regarding session, identification, configuration and registration, strictly necessary to identify the user and to provide services requested by the user. The information obtained through them is only dealt with by
ANALYSIS COOKIES: They are dealt with by us or by third parties; they allow to quantify the number of users and so make the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service provided. With this aim, navigation in our website is analysed to improve our supply of products or services.
The information collected by analysis cookies is treated by and a third party (Google Analitycs,
This application has been developed by
This company provides us the analysis service of our website audience and can use this data to improve its own services and to provide services to other companies.
You can find these and other usages on the links provided.
This tool does not collect data from the first or last names of users or the address from where they connect. The information obtained is related to the number of pages visited, language, social network in which our services are published, the city to which the IP address from which users access is assigned, the number of users who visit us, frequency and repetition of visits, time of visit, browser used, operator or type of terminal from which visits are made.
We use this information to improve our website, identify new needs and evaluate the improvements to be made in order to provide a better service to users who visit us.
How can I disable cookies?
Most browsers indicate how to configure your browser not to accept cookies, to notify you whenever you receive a new cookie, as well as to completely disable them. To control what use you wish to be done of your information, you can configure your terminal browser in the way you consider to be the most convenient for you.
Mazarrón Town Hall makes available to users information, documents and products as well as services whose use is subject to the terms and conditions contained in this present document (" Conditions of Use "). Access to the site implies acceptance of all this Conditions of Use. Mazarrón Town Hall reserves the right to periodically modify such conditions if so required. The use that you make of this information and other elements will always be subject to the most recent Condicitions of Use included in this web page at the moment of its use.
Mazarrón Town Hall goal is to provide users with access to the town tourist information. Data comes from different sources and commercialization of this right of access is excluded.
Use of information contained in this Portal will be carried out in accordance with the Law and with regulations and conditions specific for each element, apart from by the regulations established in these Conditions of Use. All this information is protected by copyright and, where appropriate, copyright and property, and/or the legal regulations that guarantee intellectual property in such a way that unauthorised use can be a breach of such protection regulations. In particular, the user must bear in mind the following:
Mazarrón Town Hall allows free consultation of this information and its use as long as the source is mentioned: “Source:".
Data contained in this Portal may not be copied, reproduced or distributed, no matter the electronic support is, allowing the availability of this information to users without written authorization from Mazarrón Town Hall.
Pages and images in the Portal, even though the source is given, may not be copied, reproduced or distributed.
In any case, Handling or modification of its contents is not allowed in the correct use of the information.
Any question or comment on the content of this Server should be directed to the Mazarrón Town Hall, Plaza del Ayuntamiento s/n. 30870. Mazarrón., Murcia, Tel. no.: 968 59 00 12 or using the portal contact form.
Mazarrón Town Hall takes no liability for the content of this server and makes no commitment to updating it immediately. Data contained herein should not be considered of official nature. Only data in printed publications of the Mazarrón Town Hall or data expressly certified by services responsible for this Department should be considered official. Prices for products and services included in the web page may not be updated.
Mazarrón Town Hall takes no liability directly or indirectly for any damage or prejudice to users as a consequence of access to this web page or the use of information or applications contained.
This page does not offer any recommendations on the products, tourist services or advice.
Personal data provided by the user through the contact form of the page are confidential and will only be communicated to third parties (tourist companies or information offices in the region) in the case of requests of information or suggestions referring to them.
Yet, except otherwise expressed, such data will be included in the file called “Mazarrón Tourist Page” created by Order of 19 November, 2003 (BORM 26/12/2003). This file is intended for promoting tourism in the municipality of Mazarrón and its treatment will be adjusted to what is established in the Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December, for Protection of Personal Data, by which the right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition will be allowed at every moment by contacting: Mazarrón Town Hall, Plaza del Ayuntamiento s/n. 30870 - Mazarrón (Murcia), tel. no. 968 59 00 12 or through the contact form in the portal. For their part, users will be liable for the veracity of all data provided.
The use of the tourist web page of the Mazarrón Town Hall is governed by the Spanish laws independently from the legal environment of the user. Any dispute arising from these Conditions of Use will be resolved in the Spanish Tribunals.