Fiestas and annual events in Fuente Álamo

Annual fiestas and traditions in Fuente Álamo
Feria de Ganado de Fuente Álamo
With its history as an important agricultural centre and a watering point for transhumance herds and flocks, Fuente Álamo became an established focal point for livestock trading during the Late MIddle Ages.
Since the middle of the 19th century, it has hosted an important livestock fair, and to this day provides a focal point for the annual livestock sales which take place at the beginning of June.
Most of the Feria centres around the sale of horses and donkeys, with a small number of sheep and goats also on offer. The feria is accompanied by a marquee for refreshments and entertainments and there are also pony and carriage rides on offer.
Fiestas Patronales in honour of San Agustín
The Patron Saint's Day of San Agustín is 28th August, and the fiestas in his honour last for a fortnight around this date, depending on the day on which it falls.
These are important local fiestas and include a wide range of sporting and social activities, with concerts, dances, live music, folk festival, a fancy dress competition, various competitions and parades.
Fiestas in the outlying districts
Las Palas
The Fiestas Patronales in Las Palas are celebrated in honour of San Pedro Apostól, which falls on 29th June. The fiestas are celebrated for two weeks around this date, and have a wide range of activities including a "Día Rociero" with a giant paella, a motorbike event and a number of dances and entertainments.
Click here for more information about Las Palas.
La Pinilla
La Pinilla celebrates its Fiestas Patronales in honour of the Virgen de la Luz, her Saint's Day being 8th September.
At the beginning of May the village also holds the "Romería de Los Cabecicos", in which the figure of the Virgin is carried up to the little sanctuary erected in her honour on the hillside behind the village.
Click here for more information about La Pinilla.
Cuevas de Reylló
Cuevas de Reylló holds its Fiestas Patronales in honour of Nuestra Señora del Rosario, the main day for this being 7th October although there is a wide programme of activities either side of the main date.
El Estrecho de Fuente Álamo
The main fiestas in El Estrecho honour the Santa Cruz and are held around 3rd May. On the 3rd itself a procession takes place with the Holy Cross, and on other days there are a number of activities including a parade of floats and carriages, a motorbike event, dances and community activities.
The Fiestas Patronales of Balsapintada are held in honour of Santiago Apostól throughout a two-week period in July, ending on the Saint's Day, 25th July.
These are quite significant fiestas, with high quality dances and live music shows, and a large programme of entertainments for all the community.
One of the most important days for the locals is the Día del Camionero, the lorry driver´s day, celebrating one of the most important industries in the area - haulage!
Other important days in Balsapintada are 6th January, when locals perform an Auto de los Reyes Magos, a nativity play, and the day of La Virgen de la Purísima on 8th December.
El Escobar de Fuente Álamo
El Escobar celebrates its fiestas in honour of San Juan Bautista, St John the Baptist, in the penultimate week of June.
In addition, every year on 27th December El Escobar hosts a Fiesta de Cuadrillas, which is a gathering of the traditional musical groups who perform at religious celebrations across the Region of Murcia. A musical Mass is held in the church, followed by the Cuadrillas performing in the streets. The Cuadrillas can "pedir el aguinaldo" from the neighbours - a traditional way of raising money for the church, akin to our own practise of carol singing. Traditionally a "baile de pujas" was also celebrated , a dance of the fleas, in which the male members of the community would pay a sum of money to be able to dance with whichever female they chose, all the money going to church funds.
In El Escobar an Auto of the Three Kings is also performed on the evening of 5th January, following which the neighbours gather to share food and exchange gifts.
Los Cánovas
San Francisco de Asís (Francis of Assisi) is the patron saint of Los Cánovas, and the fiestas patronales are celebrated around 4th October.
The community celebrates a mixed programme of activities, with several events based on local gastronomic traditions including Migas-making, paellas, michirones (broad bean stews) and tortillas.