Help at Home are a group of volunteers who aim to help people of ALL ages within the local community, particularly anyone who is finding it hard to manage on their own, hence the name, HELP AT HOME.
Tel: Help Line: 633 673 034 Mon- Fri 9.30am - 5.30 pm
Mobile: Enquiries: 633 673 034 Pam
Help at Home help people in the Mar Menor area.
Help at Home are a group of volunteers who aim to help people of ALL ages within the local community, anyone who is finding it hard to manage on their own, hence the name, HELP AT HOME.
Many people within our communities suddenly find themselves in a situation they may not have expected, perhaps having received medical treatment, been discharged from hospital, under medical supervision, had a fall and need help at home with shopping or basic housework, perhaps a carer needs just a little bit of time to themselves, there are many situations in which people need help.
Help at Home may not always have the solution, but are willing to do everything within their power to help and assist.
Help is not a full time or long term care service and our help is provided following an assessment by our nurse and depends on many factors including the clients needs and the resources available. Cases are regularly reviewed and reassessed as necessary.
HAH tries to stay within a 15k radius of Los Alcazares, although our desire is to be able to help those in need in the Mar Menor area.
HAH services are FREE OF CHARGE, so if you are struggling to cope, please give them a call, they may be able to help.
The help line is open between 9.30am – 5.30pm Mon – Friday only (not weekends)
Outside these hours you would need to contact your Doctor, or ask your local chemist for advice on medication, or telephone the emergency services on 112.
Unfortunately, they cannot give financial help, sort out insurance problems, travel arrangements, nor are they an emergency service.
For other problems you may need to contact the British Consul on 902 109 356.
There are many other charities to contact who deal with more specific problems such as, Age Concern, Stroke Support, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, etc.
They need help too.
Have you got any medical/carer qualifications, could you help raise some funds, enough initially to cover volunteer expenses thereby helping HAH to extend their services, or a few hours to spare and a shoulder to lean on?
Regular weekly / monthly events
Chatters Group, normally have a speaker and a quiz, free drink and cake every month on the third Wednesday, start 10.30 for 11am at Las Claras.
Table Top Sale at La Zona, Los Narejos last Friday of the month.
Books and DVDS weather permitting at La Zona on Monday mornings from 10am.
Volunteer meetings every month at Las Claras first Tuesday of the month. No meetings July, August or December
If you would like to volunteer your help Help at Home would love to hear from you.