Medical Centres and Consultancies in Mazarrón
Medical Centres, Consultorios, Medical Emergencies in Mazarrón
Centro de Salud Mazarrón is the 24 HOUR EMERGENCY COVER CENTRE FOR MAZARRÓN.
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Centro de Salud Mazarrón
Avenida de la Constitución S/n
Click for map, Avenida de la Constitución Mazarrón
Telephone numbers:
Central reception: 968 590 411 / 968 592 151 / 968 592 388 / 968 592 192
To book appointments: 968 590 411 / 968 592 151 / 968 592 388 / 968 22 80 99 / 902 14 00 22
Fax 968 590 861
Normal medical opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 8am to 9pm
Friday from 8am to 5pm
Saturdays from 9am to 5pm
Emergencies are treated from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 3pm in the normal medical centre.
Outside of these hours, there is a separate side door on the Medical Centre, which is a SUAP Centre, a Servicio de Urgencias en Atención Primaría.
This is a 24 hour Emergency cover centre which services the Mazarrón area.
If a casualty is incapable of being moved, always call 112 for Emergency ambulances.
Centro de Salud Puerto de Mazarrón
Calle Mayor S/n
Click for map, Calle Mayor
Telephone number. Central reception 968 595 342
telephone number for appointments : 968 154 202 / 968 22 80 99 / 902 14 00 22
Fax: 968 595 625
Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8am to 9pm
Friday 8am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to 5pm
For emergencies outside these times, go to Mazarrón.
Consultorio Cañada de Gallego
In the main high street of Cañada de Gallego
Telephone : Central reception 968 158 829
For pre-booked appointments call : 968 228 099 - 902 140 022, 968 22 80 99 y 902 14 00 22
Open 9am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday
Consultorio Majada
La Majada, Mazarrón
Telephone : 968 437 191
To pre-book appointments Tel: 968 228 099 - 902 140 022, 968 22 80 99 y 902 14 00 22
Opening times: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 1pm to 2.30pm
Consultorio Camposol, Click Camposol Consultorio for full information.
Residents are entitled to free medical care providing they are registered on the municipal Padrón and are resident in Spain for more than 6 months a year.
Visitors will receive free medical treatment PROVIDING they have an EHIC card , which is a European wide health insurance card issued free to UK citizens.
if you do not have one of these cards, or your card has expired, you will be charged 86 euros ( summer 2011 rate ) to see a doctor.
Make sure you and your visitors have an up to date card before coming to Spain as should they require emergency medical treatment could find themselves with a very hefty bill if they do not have a card or travel insurance.
To read more information about the whole question of medical treatment in Spain, particularly if you have taken early retirement and are not yet registered within the Spanish system, and also information about obtaining medical cover or EHIC cards, read Medical cover in Spain.