Date Published: 07/04/2024
Tax now due for vehicles registered to addresses in the municipality of Mazarron
The 2024 IVTM car or vehicle tax payment window is open for vehicles registered to addresses in the municipality of Mazarrón until June 20
The payment period for this years Vehicle tax or IVTM is now open and there has been an increase since last year. Information and details on how and where to pay are as follows:
IVTM - Impuesto sobre Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica (or Vehicle Tax) is a Spanish municipal tax. Anyone who has a registered vehicle and wants to drive on public roads has to pay IVTM, with no exemptions for hybrid or electric vehicles. Vehicles registered within the municipality of Mazarrón must pay IVTM to the Agencia Tributaria de la Región de Murcia (Murcia Regional Tax Office).
The person responsible for IVTM is the registered owner of the vehicle on January 1 of the tax year (January 1 2024 for this year). If you don’t make your IVTM payment by June 20 2024, charges will be applied to your outstanding bill. If you still don’t settle the debt after that, the collection period will begin and the tax office may gain authorisation to freeze funds in your bank account to cover your road tax and any additional charges.
Many people have signed up to pay their car/vehicle tax by direct debit so do not need to take any action, unless they want a copy of the vehicle tax document.
To obtain a copy invoice
Vehicle tax invoices (or reminders) are no longer sent by post. The document can be acquired online or by visiting the Mazarrón Tax Office (Oficina de Agencia Tributaria) at Calle Del Pino 5, 30870 Mazarrón. Alternatively, use the free telephone number 900 878830.
To view or download your vehicle tax invoice online click on this link Agencia Tributaria, the page shown below will appear, You may have a translation pop-up or be able to right mouse click and translate to English if preferred.
On the first page in the Tributo/Tribute box click on the drop down and click on I. VEHICULOS TRACCION MECANICA/I. MECHANICAL TRACTION VEHICLES, then the Año/Year box 2024 (unless you wish to pay previous years), in the Población/Population box drop down click “MAZARRON”, leave the Anual/Annual box as is, then enter your N.I.E number in the N.I.F box and your vehicle registration number in the Matrícula/Fixed receipt number box, then click the Enviar/Send button and a PDF copy of your vehicle tax document should appear, this can then be downloaded and printed using the icons at the top right of the page.
Payment through Banks or by Phone
After printing off the document the tax can be paid at any of the following banks: BBVA, Caixabank, Cajamar, Caja Rural Central, Caja Rural San Agustín, Targobank, Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander and Bankinter. Payment can also be made on the free telephone line 900 878830 in Spanish.
Online payment
Online payment can be made using any credit or debit card issued by Visa or Mastercard or through BIZUM. To make the payment through this means, it is not necessary to identify yourself electronically or have an electronic signature system.
To pay the tax online click on this link Pasarela de pagos, the page shown below will appear. You may have a translation pop up or be able to right mouse click and translate to English if preferred. You will need this year's N28 number at the top of your vehicle tax document.
On the first page enter your NIE number in the NIF box, in the N28 o número de serie/N28 or serial number box enter the N28 number from your Vehicle tax document, in the Importe total a pagar/Total amount to pay box enter the amount payable as per the Vehicle tax document (Important note: make sure to use a comma instead of a decimal point or the procedure will not advance), when the three boxes are completed click Pagar/Pay and you will be taken to the payment page with payment options.
After payment is made it is adviseable to print off the receipt for your records.
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