The annual Romería de la Candelaria in Alhama de Murcia

The Romería has been celebrated on 2nd February in Alhama for over 200 years
Alhama de Murcia is one of the many towns in Spain to celebrate Candlemas and the feast day of the Virgen de la Candelaria on 2nd February, and has done so for over 200 years, with the main event being a "Romería" in which the figure of the of the Virgen is returned to her sanctuary above the town after being brought down into Alhama on Christmas Day.
Although romerías are a concept unfamiliar to many expats, for the Spanish they are a way of life and part of the religious and festive calendar of virtually every community in Spain.

In principle a romeria is based around a religious ceremony, but in fact it has become much more than that, blending tradition, history and culture and thus becoming an integral part of local and regional lidentity. As such it draws communities together to participate in an event which engenders pride and tradition, as well as offering the chance to enjoy the company of family and friends in a convivial atmosphere.
At its most basic level it’s simply the act of transferring the figure of a saint from one place to another, accompanied by the local population and musicians and stopping for a celebration in honour of the saint. But on another level, it is tourism on a regional level and can be a surprisingly enjoyable and healthy activity in which all religious denominations can participate, and invariably ends with an open-air picnic in a beauty spot.

The Romeria of the Candelaria in Alhama de Murcia takes place on 2nd February as part of the fiestas of Candlemas, which is when the infant Jesus was presented in the Temple according to the Gospel of Luke. It has certainly been held in Alhama for at least the last 200 years, and in modern times the level of participation is growing as more and more of these traditions are revived.

This is a fairly short romería at only about 3 kilometres, and offers an easy walk from the church of San Lázaro to the chapel known in the Paraje del Collao, between the hill atop which the castle of Alhama stands and the mountains behind. On the evening before the big day, Mass is held in the parish church of La Concepción before the Virgen is transferred to San Lázaro.
The romería usually begins at 11.00, and by 14.00, after another musical Mass, everyone settles down to enjoy a relaxed meal which includes a paella provided by the Town Hall. However, most people bring their own food, set up picnic tables and barbecues and enjoy a sociable occasion in the open air, with members of their groups driving up behind the castle in advance to prepare the spread!
For more local information in English about the Alhama de Murcia municipality, including news, station information and forthcoming events, visit Alhama Today.