Date Published: 06/11/2020
ARCHIVED - Covid Caganers for a Catalan Christmas…Donald Trump is available with or without a mask
This year Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Fernando Simón join masked politicians and popular figures in this Christmas novelty catalogue
The nativity Caganers are a 200-year-old tradition which originated in Catalunya
It’s a sure sign that Christmas is coming when the annual translation nightmare of what to do with the word “caganer” rears its ugly head again, and as we near the start of the festive season that time of year is once again upon us.
The “caganer” is a tradition which is thought to have started in Catalunya, and which involves a figure which for over 200 years has been included in traditional cribs or nativity scenes. It has spread to other regions of Spain as well: in Murcia the figure is known as a “cagón”, and elsewhere as a “cagador”, and similar figures exist in Portugal and southern Italy.
The problem is that a literal translation of “caganer” is hard to provide without resorting to coarseness, but if we mince words a little then a polite version might be “man squatting in the act of evacuating his bowels” or instead of the “Thinking Man” go along the lines of “Pooping Man”…… Exactly what he has to do with the nativity scene is not certain, but for many Spaniards he is an essential element of the tableau. And why not?
Traditionally, the Caganer is depicted as a peasant, but for some years now “novelty caganers” have been produced and generally sell well. Some of the most popular among international known figures who have been shown in an undignified squatting pose in recent years are Donald Trump, Lionel Messi, Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson and a whole host of political figures, pop stars and public figures. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden can be purchased with or without face masks!!!!
This year the new models on offer have a decidedly “covid-related theme” and Fernando Simón, the
director of the Center for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES) who presents the daily covid figures and has become quite a TV personality as a result, appears in the offering for the first time. Alongside his figure are gowned nurses and masked politicians, with Jo Biden joining Donald Trump in this year’s catalogue.
So if you’re looking for an original gift for the man who really does have everything, including strong political opinions, then this could be just the thing to add to his Christmas nativity scene…….
Just google for a full selection.