Date Published: 05/03/2020
ARCHIVED - Murcia government associates absence of coronavirus with lack of rail infrastructures
None of the 255 cases of Covid-19 confirmed in Spain have been in the Region of Murcia
The latest update from the regional government of Murcia regarding the coronavirus outbreak in Spain was given on Thursday morning, confirming that despite over 100 tests having been carried out on patients in the Region none have proved positive, with government spokesperson Ana Martínez Vidal expressing the view that there is a “"probable" link between Murcia being the only one of Spain’s 17 regions still unaffected and the lack of important rail infrastructures connecting it with the rest of the country.
Sra Martínez Vidal was making reference to the delays in extending the AVE high-speed rail network to Murcia and in completing the “Mediterranean corridor”, and explained that a theoretical connection with the non-appearance of Covid-19 “cannot be ruled out”. At the same time she accused the national government of “totally neglecting” the interests of Murcia, reiterating that “the absence of this communications network may contribute” to there being less movement of people between the Region and the rest of the country.
Interestingly, this has also been one of the explanations jokingly suggested on social networks as the reason for Murcia standing alone in keeping the virus at bay so far, the theory being that the Region is so isolated that even the coronavirus cannot find a way to get here...
At the same time, Sra Martínez Vidal also confirmed that 8 important business events and fairs in the Region have been cancelled or postponed as a result of the epidemic, and that a special committee to oversee the situation with regard to coronavirus met for the second time this Monday. Sitting on the committee are members of the Chambers of Commerce in Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca and of companies exporting to China and Italy among others, and while difficulties in maintaining trading relations with Italian importers and exporters are relatively easy to overcome those in China present more serious problems.
Meanwhile, the latest news regarding the spread of Covid-19 in Spain is that there are now 255 cases confirmed, 248 of them still active but with none in the Region of Murcia…
Image: Ana Martínez Vidal speaking to the press last week
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