Date Published: 03/01/2023
ARCHIVED - Voting registration update: Action required by those wishing to vote
For British expats wishing to vote who haven’t received the registration letter action is required BEFORE January 15 2023
Update from Mazarrón Councillor for Camposol and International Relations Silvana Buxton
Changes in the voting procedure brought about by BREXIT means UK expats have to register their wish to vote in the 2023 Municipal Elections
Now that the UK is no longer part of the EU British expats are classified as Third Country citizens and those who wish to vote in Municipal Elections have to register before each election in the same way as other Third Country citizens of States with reciprocal voting rights (Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Iceland, Korea, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and New Zealand).
To simplify the procedure, the Spanish Censo Office (INE) have sent pre-printed registration forms for those people that their records show qualify for the right to register: for example, to qualify to vote in the Mazarrón Municipal election on May 28 you must have been resident in Spain for 3 uninterrupted years and be registered on the Mazarrón Municipal Padrón.
The registration letters must be actioned before January 15. If you meet these requirements and wish to vote but have not received the registration letter you must visit Mazarrón Town Hall before January 13 and register your intent to vote: although the deadline is January 15 this falls on a Sunday and the last day Mazarrón Town Hall will be open for registration is Friday January 13.
No appointment is necessary, just take your proof of residence, either TIE Card or green Residencia card or paper and padrón document (you should be on the Town Hall database but it is worth taking your Padrón paperwork in case of query), tell the security officer or reception staff of your wish to register (in Spanish “Quiero registrarme para votar en las elecciones municipales”) and you will be directed to a member of staff who will complete the form for you and give you a proof of registration paper.
If you have received your registration letter but not yet dealt with it details on how to complete it can be found here.
If you register at the Town Hall and then receive the registration letter do not action it, simply destroy it.
Don’t forget if you qualify and wish to vote you must take action before January 15 even if you have voted in Spain on previous occasions.
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