Date Published: 20/03/2020
ARCHIVED - Self-employed in Spain entitled to 700 euros a month unemployment benefit during the coronavirus emergency
Relief for “autónomos” as the government implements more measures in response to the loss of income for people all over Spain
The Spanish government continues to announce more and more measures designed to respond not only to the coronavirus emergency itself but also to the implications for workers who find themselves temporarily redundant as a result of the national lockdown, and on Thursday it was confirmed that those who are self-employed (or “autónomos”) and have been obliged to suspend their activities are to be entitled to unemployment benefit of at least 700 euros per month for the duration of the crisis.
Assuming they are fully registered and up to date with their social security contributions, Spain’s self-employed will receive benefits equivalent to 70 per cent of the amount on which they pay contributions, according to the terms of a measure which will be approved in Cabinet next Tuesday 24th March. Lorenzo Amor of the ATA association representing the self-employed, who states that this group accounts for as much as 18 per cent of the country’s workforce, recommends that those entitled to it should take up the offer as soon as possible, adding that they will not have to surrender their status or rights in order to do so.
For most “autónomos” the 70 per cent of their “base de cotización” will amount to some 700 euros per month, which will be paid after a month of inactivity has been completed: after that, it is almost certain that the arrangement will continue for as long as necessary.
The only aspect about which Sr Amor expresses doubts is the case of “autónomos” who employ others, as he says it is not yet clear whether they can claim the aid without having to file a Temporary Employment Regulation agreement (ERTE) regarding their staff.
We have compiled basic information explaining what an ERTE temporary redundancy arrangement is; Click here for more details
This is basic information following the declaration of a 20 billion aid package for businesses in Spain which covers the absolute basics of the information. Click here
Speak to your asesor or email your advisor for more details; we are only able to cover the basics and your own asesor will be best placed to give individual advice about what you have to do, what you will be entitled to and how it will work.
Follow Murcia Today on Facebook to keep up to date with all the latest updates locally for the Region of Murcia and the main information for the rest of Spain: Please note, Facebook is limiting the number of posts we are able to make in local groups, and the sheer volume of incoming information is overwhelming, so all updates and cancellations of events etc in the Murcia region will be posted on this main page and may not be shared into many local groups.
PLEASE help to support the flow and sharing of information by following this page and sharing the information into groups to which you have access.

What to do if you are in the Region of Murcia and believe you may have contracted the virus
The regional government has set up a special helpline to supply information to members of the public (900 121212), and also urges people to call the 112 emergency services line if they suspect that they may have contracted the virus rather than going straight to hospital or to a medical centre. Medical staff will be sent to your home to test for the virus.
The Region’s public hospitals have limited the number of visitors to just one per patient.
Sensible precautions
The advice being issued to members of the public by medical authorities all over the world coincides on the following points:
- Wash hands frequently with either soap and water or a sanitiser gel
- Catch coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues – and throw the tissues away immediately after use before immediately washing your hands!
- If you don’t have a tissue, use your sleeve – and wash the item of clothing used at the next opportunity
- AVOID touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- AVOID close contact with people who are unwell
- Don´t panic!
