Date Published: 04/11/2020
ARCHIVED - All bars and restaurants in the Murcia region to close from Saturday
The measure has been agreed in the Covid Monitoring Committee on Wednesday morning
Although the oficial press conference has not yet taken place, the regional Covid Monitoring Commmittee of the Region of Murcia has agreed that all bars and restaurants in the region must close from Saturday onwards, due to the contiunuing rise in the number of coronavirus cases in the region.
Yesterday, the number of active cases passed 11,000 and although a curfew has been imposed, external and internal borders closed and further measures implemented to slow the spread of covid, the level of transmission is still considered to be too high and further measures are required.
The ban on the opening of restaurants and bars will come into force on Saturday providing it is published in the BORM by Friday, as is expected to be the case. The initial duration of the measure is expected to be two weeks, with the option to extend. The hostelry associations have already commented that the closure is likely to extend past the puente de la Constitución bank holiday weekend at the beginning of November, but the principal aim is to prevent the gatherings and reunions inside enclosed areas as will become necessary once the cooler weather sets in and mean the cancellation of all the seasonal gatherings which are such an important part of the revenue for the hostelry sector.
A delivery service from these establishments will be permitted, as will a take-away service by pre-order, but no service will be permitted either inside or outside of the premises.
The hostelry associations have already been informed of the measures and are advising their members.
Any further details will be communicated in the press conference following the meeting, which is still underway.
Similar measures are being taken in other regions of Spain as regional governments attempt to bring the spread of the virus under control and avoid the need for a full domestic lockdown. Castilla y León, Catalunya, Navarra, Asturias and the enclave of Melilla have already implemented similar measures.
Undoubtedly, this is a bitter body blow for many small businesses and although there may be some fiscal measures to follow offering financial support, many businesses will not be able to survive this decision.
The regional body representing the sector, Hostemur, calculates that between 12 and 15% of hostelry premises have already been forced to close, an estimated 1,000 businesses across the region.
Other measures approved include the continuance of the curfew and limitation on the use of children's playparks.
